Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ERXP Amps, Effects, ect... Not Showing In Pro Tools (Eleven Rack Editor Window)

If you have purchased an Eleven Rack and it included Pro Tools 9/10 and the ERXP (Eleven Rack Expansion Pack) a.k.a. Firmware 2.0.1 pre-installed, and you are wondering why the Amps, Effects, ect... that were added by the ERXP are not showing up in the Eleven Rack Editor Window in Pro Tools

OR perhaps you had previously installed the ERXP, and everything was working fine in Pro Tools, but you upgraded Pro Tools to another version, or you uninstalled Pro Tools and re-installed, or you upgraded to a new OS or new computer and installed Pro Tools; and upon opening the Eleven Rack Editor Window you no longer had access to the ERXP Amps or effects and the normal picture icons were replaced by the 'coil' icons as seen above......

The problem is that, currently, Pro Tools does not install the needed User Interface (UI) files for an updated Eleven Rack to display properly in the 11R Editor Window. What is installed are the OLD UI files that have been included since Pro Tools LE 8.0.1 - but these files do not contain the information for the items added by the ERXP - they only contain the information for the standard Amps, Effects, cabs, ect... that were included when the Eleven Rack was first released in 2009.

But there is a solution!

(*as of Pro Tools 10.1 and higher, the ERXP UI files are included with your Pro Tools install)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

10 Epistemology Eleven Rack Rigs - Philosophy Metal

Eleven Rack Expansion Pack Required!

All Epistemology rigs use the "DC Modern SOD" Amp

All effect blocks have been set - even if they are not ON by default, they have been set.

Tweak to your liking and Enjoy!

Content List:

Epistemology 65R










8 Metaphysics Eleven Rack Rigs - Philosophy Metal

Eleven Rack Expansion Pack Required!

All Metaphysics rigs use the "DC Modern Distortion" Amp

All effects blocks have been set - even if they are not ON by default, they have been set.

Tweak to your liking and Enjoy!

Content List:
Metaphysics 65R

Metaphysics 2123

Metaphysics 2130

Metaphysics 2151

Metaphysics 2161

Metaphysics 2163

Metaphysics 2185

Metaphysics 2187

6 Ontology Eleven Rack Rigs - Philosophy Clean

Eleven Rack Expansion Pack Required!

All Ontology rigs use the "DC Modern CLEAN" Amp

All effects blocks have been set - even if they are not ON by default, they have been set.

Tweak to your liking and Enjoy!

Content List:

Ontology 2409

Ontology 2414

Ontology 2430

Ontology 2431

Ontology 2465

Ontology 2467